
■ ダーマヨガとは?
ダーマヨガとは、Sri Dharma Mittra(ダーマ・ミットラ師)が創設したヨガです。ダーマミットラ師は、ヨガが世間に広まる前の1960年代より、難解だった伝統的ヨガの教えを現代向けにアレンジしながら、ニューヨークでヨガを伝え続けてきました。
■ 各クラスの内容

<Class A>
4月3日(金)18:30~20:30 2h / 受講料 4,000円
Dharma Yoga Master Class
Focus: Forward Bending and Back Bending Poses”
~ マスタークラス(前屈と後屈にフォーカス) ~

<Class B>
4月4日(土)10:00~13:00 3h / 受講料 4,500円
Maha Shakti -Devotional Journey of Dharma Yoga
~マハ・シャクティ – 統合的なダーマヨガの世界~

<Class C>
4月4日(土)14:30~17:30 3h / 受講料 4,500円
Unveil the Inner Healing & Sacred Sound
■ Daphne Dust(ダフネ・ダスト)

ダフネは、ダーマ・ミットラ師の元で教えを学び、様々な都市でその教えを伝えるダーマヨガ講師です。彼女は香港でヨガ講師を始め、自らも世界中でヨガを学び続けています。そして、2012年からは香港以外の各国でヨガを教え始めました。ダフネは、NYのダーマヨガ カンファレンスに招かれた、アジアで初めてのゲスト講師であり、アジアのヨガカンファレンスでは、ダーマ・ミットラ師のアシスタントを務めています。また、彼女は、ハンズデベック師の元で、チベットのシンギングボールを学び、音を使ったサウンドテラピストとして人々を癒しています。
・ピュアヨガ ホットヨガ200時間 (Copper Crow)
・ハタラジャヨガ 200時間 (Andrei Ram)
・ユニバーサルヨガ 100時間 (Andrey Lappa)
・産前後ヨガ (Dr. Jean Byrne and Michelle Papa)
・ダーマヨガ 500時間/ 800時間/ 1000時間 (Dharma Mittra)
・チベットシンギングボールサウンドセレピスト(Hans De Back)
Class A:4,000円
Class B,C:各4,500円
◆ 場所
神戸市中央区中山手通3-15-11 2階
・JR 元町駅(東口)より、鯉川筋を山側へ、徒歩10分。
・阪急 三宮駅(西口)より、徒歩12分。
・地下鉄 県庁前駅(東1または西1出口)より、徒歩8分。
以下フォームよりお申し込みください。 https://kokucheese.com/event/index/592308/

■ プライベート・サウンドセラピー

Kobe Yoga Workshop April 3-4
~ Dharma Yoga & Sacred Sound Journey ~
Class A
Friday : 18:30- 20:30
Dharma Yoga Master Class
Focus: Forward Bending and Back Bending Poses”
This regenerative and invigorating yet graceful mainly Asana practice purifies the physical and causal bodies of toxic impurities, evoking Sattvic thoughts that will lead to higher states of health and over all well-being. The practice includes Pranayama techniques (“breath of life”) which activate the pituitary and pineal glands, restoring balance to the mind and improving concentration. This practice will include a special focus on forwarding bending poses and their compliment: backward bending poses. Forward bending poses soothe the nerves and calm the entire system, while back-bending poses open the chest, heart and shoulders and bring energy to all the nerves along the entire length of the spine. Also will include deep healing guided meditation in Shavasana with Tibetan sound bath to rejuvenate and elevate the entire body, mind and being.
Class B
Saturday 10-13
Maha Shakti -Devotional Journey of Dharma Yoga
Maha Shakti is an open / mixed level of Dharma Yoga Practice, one of the classic series passed by Sri Dharma Mittra. Suitable for students with a regular practice. This series is also designed to help regular students in their posture practice. It will support health to the entire bodily system through a series of balancing, stretching, back bending, twisting and inverted variations, including stepping stones from basic to advanced headstands and each practice comes with unique variations. It will concludes with a guided relaxation, Tibetan sound bath and guided meditation. Overall, a well-rounded and complete yoga practice. You will leave with peaceful, rejuvenated and completely recharged.
Suitable for anyone who always find imbalance in life, hard time from resting at night, struggling in postures, stress at work or relationship and those who wants to improve the postures or who is looking to take their yoga practice to a more spiritual aspect; those are willing to explore and open the heart, eager to have more courage and become more receptive in real life.
Class C
Saturday 14:30-17:30
Unveil the Inner Healing & Sacred Sound
It is a healing journey through Dharma Yoga Pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) and Yin posture practice (the art of letting go) with the sacred healing sounds of handmade Tibetan singing bowls.
Through practicing Pranayama, we can take care of our minds and thoughts. When we take care of the breath, the breath will take care of the rest. Respiration being disturbed, the mind becomes disturbed. By restraining respiration, the Yogi gets steadiness of mind. Regular practice of pranayama helps to reduce pain from daily life. It purifies body & mind and nourishes both energetically. Moreover, it helps to release negative memories from deeper states of mind and promotes spiritual growth.
After the Pranayama practice, you will be guided to completely relax in the posture, to let go, to surrender, to soften the muscles and move closer to the bone. A true meditative practice, Yin offers a much deeper access to the body. As you are guided through accessing the deeper tissues of your body, such as connective tissues and fascia, dense energy is released. Dense energy being any pain: may it be physical, mental or emotional pain. Stress, Inflammation and past traumas are being released and cleared from your body. You are healing. In conjunction with the physical ability to open up your energy centres and clear them, the ancient sacred healing sounds of antique handmade Tibetan Singing Bowls will facilitate the healing process to even deeper levels. The “Sound is the medicine of the future”. Most ancient culture used the seemingly magical power of sound to heal and Daphne is passionate about bringing this ancient vibrational shifting tradition back to our life. The sound breaks through the dense, lower energy. It cleanses what is being released and shifts it out. Leaving you feeling cleansed and energised.
Daphne’s Biography
Daphne is a Dharma Yoga Registered Teacher who has completed 500, 800 & 1000 hours of Life of a Yogi teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra in New York. She based in Hong Kong and started to teach overseas since 2012. Since then, she keeps offering workshops and share yoga practice in different cities every year. Also Daphne was assigned as the first guest teacher from Asia as a representative of Dharma Yoga Hong Kong to offer classes at Dharma Yoga Conference New York in 2018 and assigned as a faculty assistant of Sri Dharma Mittra in Asia Yoga Conference in 2017 & 2019.
She began teaching after obtaining her Hot Yoga 200 hours RYT certification in Singapore 2012 and certified 200 hours of Hatha Raja Yoga and 200 hours of Hatha Yoga Self Realization with in Barcelona 2013 & 2016. Daphne also attended: RYT certification teacher training at UNIVERSAL.
YOGA with the founder Andrey Lappa in 2013 and Mindful Birth Pre & Postnatal yoga training in 2015. In addition to this she is also a certified Dharma Yoga Wheel Teacher and a certified Sound Therapist of Health Angel at Master Level conducted directly by the Sound Master Hans De Back in Delft, Nederland. Besides offering varies kind of yoga classes, she also serve with Sound Bath, Sound Meditation and Sound Therapy Treatment to whoever in needs.
Owing over a decade of dedicated practice, various yoga workshops, retreats and intensive trainings around the world, Daphne has cultivated a deep understanding of different individuals’ needs. As a result she adapts her teaching to cater to the individual and their specific needs.
As a devoted disciple of Sri Dharma Mittra, she believes that everyone can benefit from yoga: physically, mentally and spiritually on its own path. Her teaching focuses on compassion to all living beings, dedication and consciousness of the mind, awareness of the body and develop strong desire for liberation. At the same time, her class is full of positive & peaceful energy, creativity and delight. She is keen and humbly to share her love for yoga with this blissful authentic wisdom to all practitioners.