ダーマヨガ・ワークショップ by Daphne Dust

昨年の4月に引き続き、今年も香港より、ダーマヨガ講師の Daphne Dust(ダフネ・ダスト先生)をお招きし、2日にわたり、合計3つのワークショップを行うことになりました。





■ ダーマヨガとは?

ダーマヨガとは、Sri Dharma Mittra(ダーマ・ミットラ師)が創設したヨガです。ダーマミットラ師は、ヨガが世間に広まる前の1960年代より、難解だった伝統的ヨガの教えを現代向けにアレンジしながら、ニューヨークでヨガを伝え続けてきました。







■ 各クラスの内容


<Class A>

4月12日(金)18:30~20:30 2h / 受講料 4,000円
Unveil the Inner Healing with Sound







<Class B>

4月13日(土)10:00~13:00 3h / 受講料 5,000円
Maha Shakti -Devotional Journey of Dharma Yoga
~マハ・シャクティ – ダーマヨガの礼拝を体験~


<Class C>

4月13日(土)14:30~17:30 3h / 受講料 5,000円
Sacred Sound Healing Meditation & Satsang






■ Daphne Dust(ダフネ・ダスト)


・ピュアヨガ ホットヨガ200時間 (Copper Crow)
・ハタラジャヨガ 200時間 (Andrei Ram)
・ユニバーサルヨガ 100時間 (Andrey Lappa)
・産前後ヨガ (Dr. Jean Byrne and Michelle Papa)
・ダーマヨガ 500時間/ 800時間/ 1000時間 (Dharma Mittra)
・チベットシンギングボールサウンドセレピスト(Hans De Back)


Class A:4,000円
Class B,C:各5,000円

◆ 場所

神戸市中央区中山手通3-15-11 2階
 ・JR 元町駅(東口)より、鯉川筋を山側へ、徒歩10分。 
 ・阪急 三宮駅(西口)より、徒歩12分。
 ・地下鉄 県庁前駅(東1または西1出口)より、徒歩8分。



Kobe Yoga Workshop April 12-13

Class A
Friday : 18:30- 20:30
Unveil the Inner Healing with Sound

This workshop will include ancient yogic breathing practices, purifying deep healing relaxation(Yoga Nidra), sacred therapeutic sound with Tibetan singing bowl and conclude with guided meditation. Through this journey, it will guide us to elevate the consciousness of the subtle body and calming the mental state, to stimulate our nervous system, activating the inner healing system, learning to cultivate the real love to ourselves; experiencing the inner peace that resides in our heart. We will learn to accept the true you.
Suitable for anyone who often find imbalance in life, restless sleep, stress at work or relationship or who is looking for a different tool of spiritual practice.

Class B
Saturday 10-13
Maha Shakti -Devotional Journey of Dharma Yoga

This is an open class with mixed level of Dharma Yoga practice. Combined with the classic series passed by Sri Dharma Mittra. It is an unique, challenging and meditative sequence of yoga poses, that will lead to complete movement of the spine, massaging and stimulating the inner organs and glands, unleashing Prana throughout the body, restoring radiant health,bringing clarity to the mind and putting power behind your thoughts.
Suitable for new students with regular practices or advanced students to deepen their posture practices. They will be guided from basic to advanced postures and comes with unique variations. The class will be concluded with a guided relaxation, sound meditation. Overall, a well-rounded yoga practice which could energise the mind and body.

Class C
Saturday 14:30-17:30
Sacred Sound Healing Meditation & Satsang

Sound Meditation is a great way to promote healing frequency in your body, mind and emotions. You will being soaked in an incredible sound healing journey.
Tibetan singing bowls could generate specific rhythmic patterns and create vibrational sound at the frequency of“AUM”. This frequency known as a perfection impacts for the sympathetic nervous system as your brain waves synchronize to the vibrations of the bowls. The harmonic vibrations engage the relaxation reflex and slow down the respiratory, brain and heart rate and disrupt the pain reflex creating a deep sense of wellbeing. The sound is rich in natural harmonics which helps triggering deeper consciousness, concentration and deep relaxation, in order to assist one entering into a deeper meditation.
Suitable for anyone who often find restless sleep, stress at work or relationship and having hard time to step out from its own comfort zone, or who is looking for a more spiritual way and willing to open the heart become more receptive in real life.
This workshop will be concluded with a Satsang session on applying ethical rules of yoga in this challenging modern life.

Daphne’s Biography

Daphne is a Registered Dharma Yoga Teacher who has completed 500, 800 & 1000 hours of Life of a Yogi teacher training with Sri Dharma Mittra in New York who based in Hong Kong and started to teach abroad since 2012.
She began teaching after obtaining her Hot Yoga 200 hours RYT certification from Copper Crow in Singapore in 2012 and certified twice 200 hours of Hatha Raja Yoga Self-Realisation with Andrei Ram in Barcelona in 2013 & 2016. Daphne also attended: 100 hours RYT certification training at UNIVERSAL
YOGA with the founder Andrey Lappa in 2013 and Mindful Birth Pre & Postnatal yoga training with Dr Jean Byrne and Michelle Papa in 2015. In addition to this she is also a certified Dharma Yoga Wheel Teacher and she is continuing study with Sound Master Hans De Back directly and certified as a Tibetan Singing Bowl Sound Therapist. Besides offering yoga classes, she also serve with Sound Bath, Sound Meditation and Sound Therapy Treatment to whoever in needs.

Owing over 10 years of dedicated practice, various yoga workshops and trainings around the world, Daphne has cultivated a deep understanding of different individuals’ needs. As a result she adapts her teaching to cater to the individual and their specific needs.

As a disciple of Dharma Yoga, she believes that everyone can benefit from yoga: physically, mentally and spiritually. Her teaching focuses on compassion to all living beings, dedication and consciousness of the mind, awareness of the body and develop strong desire for liberation. At the same time, her class is full of positive & peaceful energy, creativity and delight. She is keen and humbly to share her love for yoga with this blissful authentic wisdom to all practitioners.